Thank you for visiting us! Welcome to Hammer Communications!

Who Are We?

Born in 2011, we are a full-service marketing communications Agency.
Founded on one principle - ‘Keep it Simple’.
As an Agency we galvanize around a simple principle - ‘If it can be done, it will be done’.

Our Purpose

For all our brands we want to create: SIMPLE but transforming ideas.
Simple Ideas that can win Permanently Infatuated Customers for our Clients.
And we are passionately invested to know: what Consumers truly care about.

Our Philosophy

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”
Albert Einstein

We swear by the power of SIMPLICITY. We believe in today’s complex circumstances and even more complex market conditions;
certain laws of gravity still apply. Competitors are nothing more than arch rivals, positioning is the process of differentiation and
effective communication is all about transforming strategies into simple ideas.

We embrace simplicity and firmly believe in its unassailable power. We are committed to ideas that are simple,
cuts through complexity and confusion to impact people’s minds and hearts.

Our Drive

Thinkers who ride on passion find our workplace an exciting hub. Brewing with fresh ideas,
our experienced & ambitious team is a landmine of talent and strategic thinking. Territorial egos are shown the door.

Our drive is to provide our clients with effective communication strategies
that enables them to compete successfully in today’s ferocious market environment.

Our Services

We don’t pretend to be something else. Simply put, we are a full-service marketing communications Agency.

For our business partners, we provide ‘Global brand expertise’ at a local/ small agency cost and services across;

And Our Relationships Are

Our Portfolio

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